For this years, I've been thinking to open up my own business, buying my own office space.
There are always a right path to go. and i believe in it. I believed that what ever i decided to do, it's from Allah. Coz Allah always in my heart and Allah knows what's good for me. Alhamdulillah syukur
Everything that i do in my life, is for Allah, for my family, for my career and for myself. Without these, i think i will lost in my journey.
Choosing the right track is not an easy things to do. I have to make sure that this is the right one. Every steps that i make, there's always a risk with it. But if i didn't pick up one, i didn't know what is right and wrong to do. Even though i can make assumption, but sometimes assumption does not help much. In fact, it could make me missed the chance.
For this time, i believed i can do it. By taking little bit risk, i might be someone's better in future.
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Penyayang Lagi Maha Pengasih...
I starts the next step in my!